Friday, September 24, 2010

Countdown to R&R 30 days

In an effort to look amazing when Aaron returns from R & R, I started the 30 day shred this morning. This is about the fourth time I've "started" The longest I've kept at it is 4 days, so we'll see how long I'll make it this time. The difficulty is not in the program, rather finding the time to do it.

Yes, it is only a 20 minute program, who doesn't have 20 minutes? Well, I don't have 20 minutes. Graham is usually awake no later than 0530. Kayla usually wakes up as soon as I get out of bed. Graham usually naps a few times a day, Kayla on the other hand usually doesn't, and of course on the days they both nap, it's never at the same time. Graham is usually in bed no later than 1900-1930. Kayla of course varies from 2000-2200. Even if she went to bed early enough, we only have one DVD player in our house. How crazy is that? And of course it is hooked up to the main TV in the living room, so doing it in the evenings would inconvenience the 'rents. My only option is of course to wake up at 0500. Murphy's Law dictates however that if I were to get up at 0500 to work out, Graham would wake up at 0510. I will therefore continue to wake-up with Graham, feed him and bring him downstairs with me to work out, and pray that Kayla stays asleep.

I am excited to go to California. Mostly because I want to show off Graham, my wraps, and EC. I can't wait to see the look on my in-laws faces when I tell them that Graham doesn't wear diapers. If night EC doesn't become more reliant in the next 30 days, I will of course bring diapers for night time. For the most part though, Graham does pretty well at night. We've had a couple accidents, but that is to be expected.

I have decided that it is time to sell my wraps. As far as addictions go, you can't get past them while they are staring you in the face. I will keep a couple of my babies, because of their value and so that I can continue to wear Graham of course. The next one as well. I have about 35, and I will keep 13. A bamboo blend, a cashmere blend, a hemp blend, a silk blend, a tussah blend, two wool blends, 3 linen blends, and 3 cottons. They will be listed on ebay over the next 30 days. I can only hope that I get out of them what I put in them. I will post the results here. Whatever doesn't sell on ebay, I will list on TBW FSOT at discounted prices.

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