Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Birthing Day Timeline

Well, the big day is getting close. I am very surprised at how slowly the past few weeks have gone by though. It seems like time stops once you hit 35 weeks. I originally thought I would go way past due, then I thought I would be very early, and now I have no idea. I'm going to visualize Graham coming on April 26. I've even created a schedule of how I want the day to go to minimize my time spent in the hospital to avoid the interventions they will most likely try. The plan is for pressure waves (PW) to begin about midnight on the 26 (that's a Sunday Night/Monday Morning) and I want to get some sleep for a few hours during them in the beginning. About 0300, I plan to get out of bed and sit on my birthing ball for a couple hours listening to my hypnobabies tracks. Around 0500 I'm going to wake Aaron up and let Kayla and my mom sleep. Aaron and I are going to go for a walk (He's unaware of this at the moment, but it's about his usual PT time so he'd be up and going to exercise anyways.) After our walk I'm going to eat a small breakfast so that I have some energy. Around 0800, if they aren't up yet, I'm going to wake up Kayla and my mom. I want to spend some time with Kayla before going into the hospital. Hopefully we can cuddle on the couch, or in my bed, and read some books. I think this is the most important part of my schedule. Just getting some time with Kayla. 0930 or so I want to be headed to the hospital. This puts me into the hospital about 1000. I hope to be about 7-9 cm dilated. Hopefully the birthing tub will not be in use, and I will be spending the remaining time in the water. I picture Graham coming around 1200. A couple hours later they can take him for circumcision and to weigh and measure him. Ideally, we will be discharged from the hospital no later than 1700.

All in all, my birthing time will last around 12 hours. It's not the shortest, but definitely not the longest either. I figure it's perfect to keep everything calm and relaxed. This is what I'm going to need to be successful in my med-free VBAC birth. I've been mentally preparing for the birth I want for about 8 weeks now, with 3 weeks left I think I will be golden.

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