Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Aaron is home!

First a short update, I'm not pregnant, I didn't go back to Germany after my birthday. I'm a waffler, what else can I say?

Now to the heart of the matter, Aaron is home! He finally made it back to our home in Germany! I really wish I was there to welcome him home, but alas I had things to finish here. He will be making his first in two years stateside appearance on May 20, when he meets us in Orlando, FL. Only a short 30 days from now!

I am a trained doula! I finished my coursework about a month ago and I am working on the business side of things. When I get everything up and running, I will be sure to post the link to my business blog here for all to see. I am hoping to work mostly with military wives whose husbands are not able to make it to the delivery, but I will be available to non-military as well.

Type at you soon!

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